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Map and Compass Sports in Western Montana

Based in Missoula, MT, Grizzly Orienteering is the primary club organizing orienteering events in Western Montana. Our events feature custom maps and courses and provide a range of challenges appropriate for individuals and groups of all ages and experience levels. Come explore the great Montana wilderness with us!

What is Orienteering?

Orienteering is the sport of navigating with map and compass. The object is to find a series of points shown on a map, choosing routes — both on and off trail — that will help you find all the points and get back to the finish in the shortest amount of time.


Orienteering is a sport for everyone, regardless of age or experience. The competitive athlete can experience the exhilaration of moving through the woods at top speed, while a contemplative orienteer can enjoy the forest at a more leisurely pace. Most events provide courses for all levels — from beginner to advanced.

If you love maps, exploring, and the great outdoors, try orienteering. You'll be hooked for life!


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