May 19, 2024
January 26, 2025
Ski Orienteering at Lubrecht Forest
The last we held a ski orienteering event at Lubrecht, the temperature bottomed out at -27F, so the +3F at the start of today's event felt downright balmy.
We had a great day skiing around the Lubrecht trails (and sometimes even off-trail!) on the challenging courses designed remotely by GrizO's Swiss representative Jan Lauenstein.
On the Kiddo course, Inara G had the fastest time by just a couple of minutes ahead of fellow Kiddos Elise P and Svea J. Kara Browne was fastest on the Short course, and Zeke Campfield on the Medium (not counting Greg Walker and Michael Kelly, who did Medium after already going out on the Long course.)
Long was very competitive, with seven competitors being separated by just nine minutes. This included some great results from high schoolers Liam and Euell Browne, who will be competing for Team USA at the upcoming European Ski Orienteering Youth Championships in Finland in March. Today, Liam finished 2nd and Euell 5th.
The event ran very smoothly under the direction of Emily Johnson. Greg Walker, Kim Mize, and Chris Caldwell helped pick up controls. We are looking for new volunteers to direct future events, so let us know if you are interested. Emily can show you all you need to know!
Our ski orienteering season continues with our SkiO event at the Seeley Lake Nordic Trails on Saturday, February 15. We hope to see you there!
We are also continuing are our series of Tuesday night orienteering training, so let us know if you'd like to join the mailing list for that.
Full results are below.
​​​​Splits: https://attackpoint.org/eventdetail.jsp/event_59253
Some photos from the event (feel free to add your own!): https://photos.app.goo.gl/rjkBzA4SzV5tshx99
Routes and courses: https://www.livelox.com/Events/Show/146913/GrizO-SkiO-Lubrecht-01-26-2025