October 28, 2023
U of M Spooky-O
GrizO held another fun and family-friendly Halloween Night Orienteering event at the University of Montana campus with over 70 participants, including lots of kids and adults dressed in costumes.
This was a Score Orienteering event, in which participants have a time limit of 60 minutes to find as many controls as they can in any order they choose. Course setter Randy Tanner put out 30 controls all over campus, and route comparison afterwards showed that most of the leading competitors chose different routes to get all the controls within the hour. Great job Randy!
In all, 17 individuals and groups got all the controls, though some were penalized for going above the 60 minute time limit. Boris Granovskiy was fastest, completing the course in 23:08, ahead of Greg Friedman (27:09) and Ben Conley (28:54). Shout-out to GrizO Youth Program participant Kelli Fry, who finished 10th overall and was the fastest female, clearing the course in 42:27.
This event is becoming a fun GrizO tradition, with many families with small kids running or walking around the campus, finding controls in the dark, and enjoying sweet treats scattered throughout the course.
Thank you so much to event director Loy Koch and course setter Randy Tanner for making thie event happen! Tim Radle and Allison Brown helped with event setup, registration, and beginner instruction. Garth Flint and Ben Conley helped hang controls. Ben Brady, Ben Conley, Chris Caldwell, Greg Friedman, and Calvin Olson helped collect controls. All of them, as well as Michael Kelly, helped with clean-up. Thank you very much to our awesome volunteer crew!
Up next is our Free, Member-Only event at Blue Mountain on Saturday, November 11. We will be starting from a different location than in the past, giving participants access to rarely-used upper parts of the Blue Mountain map.
Photos (including some spooky shots from the trail cam at one of the controls!): https://photos.app.goo.gl/crJH75JAF5wESB3p8
Draw your route / control sequence here and see what routes others chose: http://maps.worldofo.com/webroute/?id=1617